FIDAF festivals

  • Any festival that fulfills the regulations of the organization can to be officially recognized as a FIDAF Festival.
  • The certificate for recognition as FIDAF Festival is valid for 2 years and the monitoring is under responsibility of the National Representative of FIDAF. The certificate will be renewed for another two (2) years with no reapplication required in case the festival meets the above regulations. In case the festival does not meet the above requirements, it should lose the recognition and rights as FIDAF festival.
  • The festival is obligated to accept the monitoring and evaluation system of FIDAF which will be implemented to categorize the festivals.
  • The festival can be promoted in FIDAF Website, the detailed information should be published there.
  • The festival can use the Official FIDAF Song and Dance.
  • The festival can be organized on a national or international level.
  • FIDAF encourages the creation of International Folk Dance festivals with competition. The competitions give possibilities for development of the artistic level of both participating groups and festivals.